Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger 3 Day Split Bodybuilding Routine

Arnold Schwarzenegger 3 Day Split Bodybuilding Routine

This routine is inspired by the way Arnold Schwarzenegger used to train during his competition days. The workout is split into 3 parts, and each part is trained each day, with one rest day. The idea is to cycle the workout so that while you are working one set of muscles, the other sets are recovering.

Arnold Schwarzenegger 3 Day Split Bodybuilding Routine
Arnold Schwarzenegger 3 Day Split Bodybuilding Routine
If you do a full body workout, you need more time to recover, and this means more days with no training. By doing a 3 day bodybuilding routine you can train every day without over training. Saying that, Arnold Schwarzenegger trained his abs everyday on top of this workout. For abs Arnold kept the workout simple with 5 sets of 25 crunches, after each day’s weight training.

 We will not specify the number of reps and sets for each exercise, as this is something that you should be discovering for yourself. However, Arnold generally did 8 to 12 reps for the upper body muscles, and 12 to 16 reps for the lower body muscles.

He also suggests that each set should increase the weight so that failure comes sooner (he liked to train to muscular failure). This would generally involve a warm up set of 15 reps, then the second set would be 10-12 reps, then the third 8-10, and the fourth around 6 reps.

In each session he would choose a weight that would result in muscular failure on the last rep. This is calculated using the previous weight lifting session stats. Obviously keeping a training log is essential.

Day 1 – Chest, Back and Legs
Arnold’s Chest Workouts
•Bench Press
•Incline Press
Arnold’s Back Workouts
•Chin-ups – maximum of 50 pres for this, work until failure up to 50 before that
•Bent-over rows
Arnold’s Leg Workouts
•Deadlifts. Start with 10 reps, then 6, then 4. Arnold liked to add power lifting exercises to his workouts
Day 2 – Shoulders and Arms
Arnold’s Shoulder Workouts
•Barbell Clean and Press
•Dumbbell Lateral Raises
•Heavy Upright Rows
•Push Presses
The last two exercises are the power exercises, which meant that Arnold would go heavy on these, work intensively to failure.

Arnold’s Arm Workouts
•Standing barbell curls
•Seated dumbbell curls
•Close-grip press
•Standing triceps extensions with barbell
•Wrist curls
•Reverse wrist curls
Day 3 -Thighs, Calves and Lower Back
Arnold’s Thigh Workouts
•Leg Curls
Arnold’s Calf Workouts
Arnold’s calves were his weakest point when he started training.

•Standing calf raises, 5 sets of 15 reps on each leg
Arnold’s Lower Back Workouts
For the lower back Arnold utilized power training once again:

•Straight-leg deadlifts
•Good mornings – always take extra care on these exercises, as too much weight and poor form can be lethal! Remember Bruce Lee.
Putting the Arnold 3 Day Bodybuilding Split Together
The easiest way to perform this routine is to start on a Monday, work everyday, ensuring that you eat and sleep well, and give yourself a break on Sunday.

This is considered to be a beginners bodybuilding routine, but you still need to have a reasonable foundation in weight training to be able to workout everyday.

If you feel that you are struggling in the early weeks, consider skipping some of the power training moves, such as the deadlifts, heavy upright rows and good mornings, until you are stronger. This will help to speed recovery and reduce risk of injury.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reasons Fish Oil Will Make You Stronger, Leaner and Healthier

Reasons Fish Oil Will Make You Stronger, Leaner & Healthier

 Fish Oil Can Help You Lose Body Fat Fish oil can help you lose body fat for a number of reasons, some of which are well known, while others are just emerging. First, fish oil provides essential fats because it is made up of omega-3 fatty acids. Essential fats are those which the body can’t produce on its own—they must be eaten—and it must have them for optimal function.

Healthy Fish Oil
Healthy Fish Oil

Fish oil won’t turn into fat in the body. Instead, the body will favorably use the fat from fish oil to build the outside lipid (fat) layer that protects our cells. Any kind of fat can be used to do this—trans fats, omega-6 fats, whatever you eat—but your cells will function the best, and metabolism will be optimal if fish oil makes up the cell lipid layer because it improves the activity of insulin.

This allows for better insulin sensitivity, which is a principal factor in fat loss. If you have poor insulin sensitivity, you will have a very difficult time losing fat. The other benefit of fish oil is that it is anti-inflammatory, which will be explained in greater depth in #3.

You can see fish oil working its fat loss magic in a recent study that gave healthy subjects 4 grams of fish oil or the same dose of safflower oil (an omega-6 fat) for 6 weeks. The participants who took the fish oil significantly lost body fat and increased muscle mass—and they weren’t even exercising!

Of interest, the participants in this study had a decrease in their levels of the stress hormone cortisol after taking the fish oil. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that degrades muscle, leads to fat gain, and makes you feel stressed out.

Fish Oil Can Help You Build Muscle: It’s Anabolic
As mentioned in #1, since fish oil decreases cortisol it leads one to think that it is anabolic, and the happy news is that there’s research to back this idea up. For instance, a new study that was performed on aging rats showed that giving them fish oil for 8 weeks significantly increased protein synthesis and helped them increase muscle cross-sectional area.

Fish oil is anabolic for humans as well. A study that gave middle-age adults 4 grams of fish oil a day found that it increased protein synthesis, producing a significant muscle building effect. The mTOR pathway that produces muscle growth was enhanced by 30 percent, as was muscle cell membrane signaling—the same mechanism via which insulin health is improved also enhances muscle building. Muscle mass increased by 2 percent, however, due to the small study population, researchers didn’t measure changes in body composition.

In fact, the anabolic effects of omega-3s prompted the NCAA to ban the distribution by major colleges to scholarship athletes. The rationale was that omega-3s gave an unfair advantage to the more financially advantage institutions who could afford to give this supplement to athletes.

 Fish Oil Will Decrease Inflammation, Enhancing Body Composition
Inflammation in the body is horrible for health, but it also significantly impacts your ability to lose body fat and build muscle. I can’t overstress the importance of decreasing inflammation if you want to be lean!

Inflammation seems to be this word that has no meaning for the general population, and people just don’t seem to understand that “inflammation” equals disease, illness, delayed recovery from injury, and obesity. Did you know that fat tissue actually produces inflammation on its own, progressively increasing the inflammatory status in the body?

Fish oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which is a principal reason it helps you lose fat. First, we saw in the study mentioned in number #1 that the people who took 4 grams/day of fish oil had lower cortisol at the end of the study. Anytime cortisol is unnecessarily elevated it causes inflammation and has a protein degrading effect that causes muscle and lean tissue loss.

The anti-inflammatory evidence of fish oil goes further: It is not just chronic inflammation that fish oil can prevent. It also decreases the acute inflammatory response to intense exercise. A recent study had young athletes take 3 grams of fish oil for 7 days and then perform very intense eccentric exercise to failure.

Results showed that compared to a placebo group, the fish oil group had much lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers, less muscle swelling, and less soreness and pain in response to the workout. Researchers suggest the fish oil helped with the elimination of waste products produced in response to energy metabolism during exercise, enhancing the anabolic properties in muscle tissue.

What it all comes down to is that getting the optimal percentage of your dietary fat from fish oil will convey these anti-inflammatory benefits: a) speed detoxification of stuff you don’t want in your body (waste products, inflammatory biomarkers), b) improve cellular health and the building of muscle, c) decrease hormones that cause inflammation, and d) help you be lean and feel better.

Take Fish oil To Improve Insulin Sensitivity And Metabolism
Recall that fish oil improves insulin sensitivity because it gets incorporated into the cellular lipid layer, which allows the cell receptors to bind more easily with insulin. Once insulin is bound, its purpose is to shuttle glucose from dietary carbs into the muscles to be stored and used as energy later. If insulin can’t bind easily, it elevates cortisol, causes inflammation, and the overall result is that you get fat.

Insulin also plays a role in muscle building, which is the reason it is called an anabolic hormone. The good news is that by taking fish oil and limiting your carbohydrate intake, insulin will improve the muscle building process and it helps to load nutrients into the muscle like creatine and carnitine that are essential for physical performance and fat burning.

An example of the effect of fish oil on insulin sensitivity and body composition is seen in a recent study of women with type 2 diabetes who took either 1.5 or 2.5 grams of fish oil a day. After 30 days, both groups decreased body fat and shrunk their waistlines, while having significantly improved insulin sensitivity. Of interest in this study, the group on the low 1.5-gram dose experienced the greatest reduction in belly fat and improvement in insulin health, indicating that supplementation should be based on individual needs to pad omega-3 intake from the diet.

Get The Right Ratio of Fish Oil To Other Fats For Body Composition
Hopefully, you agree that fish oil will help you build muscle and lose body fat. Studies have only tested relatively small doses of up to 4 grams a day, but anecdotal reports suggest more rapid fat loss from higher doses in the range of 1 to 1.5 grams of your body fat percentage a day. The idea behind this large dose—if you have 20 percent body fat, you should take 20 to 30 grams of fish oil daily—is that you are getting a large portion of your dietary fat from fish oil, which is logical because omega-3 fats are the healthiest.

Say your total fat intake is 60 grams a day, getting 20 to 30 grams divided between a fish oil supplement and however much is provided from organic meat and fish is common sense. There remains that other 30 grams of fat to account for, and it’s critical your intake be optimal if you want to reap the anti-inflammatory, muscle building, fat loss benefits already described. Here’s what you need to know:

Omega 3 fish oil
Carlson Labs Elite Omega-3 Gems Fish Oil 1250mg, 120 Softgels
• Get most of your omega-3s from fish oil—that means you are getting primarily EPA and DHA, with only a small intake of the third omega-3, alpha linolenic acid (ALA) that is provided by flax seed.

• The omega-6 fats are from plant rather than marine sources. They include olive oil, nuts, avocados, and the isolated vegetable oils—corn, soybean, canola, and the like. The Western diet is VERY high in omega-6 fats due to the overuse of isolated vegetable oils. Ideally, you want a balanced intake of omega-6 to omega-3 fat, while avoiding isolated vegetable oils completely.

• The isolated vegetable oils cause inflammation when you eat too much of them. The reason is that the body uses the same enzymes to convert the omega-3 and the omega-6 fats into a form that can be used by the body. Simply, if you eat too many omega-6 fats—studies estimate the average Western diet provides a ratio around 16:1 of omega-6 to omega-3 fats—there won’t be enough enzymes available to convert the omega-3s.

• Researchers estimate that large reductions in omega-6 intake decrease our need for omega-3s dramatically—by 90 percent in some cases—because they won’t be fighting for enzymes and the omega-3s won’t be needed to counteract the inflammation caused by the overabundance of omega-6 fat.

• Try a “whole diet” approach to get the complex nutrient and fat requirements for optimal body composition: Eat wild cold water fish, pasture raised, grass-fed beef, and wild meats. Supplement with high-quality fish oil that is in triglyceride form rather than ethyl ester because it has superior bioavailability. Round your fat intake out with nuts, olive oil, avocado, and coconut oil, with very limited intake of other organic oils. Avoid hydrogenated, trans fat, and processed foods.

• Avoid foods fortified with omega-3s because you don’t know the source or quality of the fat.
by Charles Poliquin